Monday 13 January 2014

Evaluation Task 1 - Forms and Conventions in Our CD Digipak

Forms and Conventions in Our CD Digipak
One convention we conformed to with our CD Digipak was the dimensions of the digipak. We kept the dimensions of the common
CD Digipak as it is important to advertise our products correctly and inform the audience of the products we are selling.

We subverted the convention of having a picture of the band on the front cover of the digipak, which is commonly found in rock indie genres, as seen below with the album cover of the 'Artic Monkeys' with the release of their album Humbug.

We chose not to have a picture of the band as the background but instead the world with a design in black over the top. This is because we wanted the band to be known for their music instead of having a target audience that focuses on what the band looks like and what they wear and the image they represent. This fits with the ideologies of a synthetic band. It also helps to establish the bands indie rock genre as it is eye-catching with the colours contrasting against the black background. 
Additionally another convention we subverted is the idea of having a polished CD digipak, it is common for artists digipaks  to be very polished with multiple different designs and edits being made so the product comes out looking very stylish and edited. However, we subverted this by using the
white edge of the digipak being rough and chipped as it helps to establish the bands style of music and genre. It connotes that the band are rough and perhaps rebellious and everything is not perfect, a recurring theme throughout the album. 
One convention we conformed to is the use of a barcode, this enables our audience to see that our digipak is a real product and that it is purchasable as a hard copy in shops. Another convention we conformed to is having the track list printed on the back, this enables the audience to see in a easy readable format what they will be purchasing and what content they are investing in.


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