Thursday 10 October 2013

Research into How We're Turning Things into Cardboard

Research into How We're Turning Things into Cardboard
One thing that we have to consider is how all our items will be turning into cardboard. We considered this through a variety of methods. Jason informed us that our theatre department has software that would enable us to take a picture of one of our items turning into cardboard, upload it into the software and then the picture would print out through A4 sheets of paper although it would be life size. We would then have to take the A4 sheets and stick them together on the piece of cardboard.
However, after talking to the theatre department we discovered that the software had been deleted after changing computers. They did say that it would be an option to buy the software again as it is $19.95 so would still be within the budget. The only issue with this is the cost of ink for the printer as it might be quite costly.

Below is the link to the website selling the software:

Because the ink might be quite expensive we decided to research into having the pictures printed for us by a company and delivered. For this we compared prices and companies, for example we looked at:


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