Friday 20 September 2013

Our New Treatment - Group Work

Our New Treatment
We developed our idea using the Artic monkeys song further and ended it with the camera zooming out only for the viewer to discover everything took place in a dolls house. This is done to represent how everyone wants the perfect life and how some people yearn for a perfect world their whole life but may never get it. It could also be used to show how some people might look like they have the perfect life when in reality everything is different behind closed doors.
Unfortunately Luke didn't like our idea of a couple in different scenarios as it has been done before so instead we are doing an idea where we see a family that appear to be perfect living their perfect life but then as the song goes on everything around them begins to turn into cardboard and eventually them too, and it is revealed that they are fake and are inside the dolls house.

In our group work, I typed out the presentation, found the pictures and added them to the presentation and contributed to what the presentation said and helped to make it clear and precise with what we wanted to make clear.

1 comment:

  1. Your treatment is excellent. I can see have you used a creative process to visualise your MV into concept to be used as a promotional tool. I feel that you treatment has clearly communicated your ideas and these could be translated into a video concept. You and your group have done really well in revising the concept and convincing us that it will work. You do need to post a treatment as soon as possible. You have provided plenty of detail which will need to be modified and adjusted right up to the shoot day. The importance of the timeline is how this helps organise and structure your storyboarding and subsequent animatic that you will cut for your music video. Well done this is very good work and you have researched the concept thoroughly. You do need to ensure that you have correctly and clearly labelled up your individual coursework to your group planning and research.
