Saturday 16 March 2013

Who would be the audience for your media product? Evaluation Task 4

Our Perfect Audience Member

The Target Audience for our thrillers
The thriller category our thriller classifies under is a spy thriller.
Other films in this category include:
  • The James Bond Film, e.g. Quantum Of Solace and Casino Royale.
  • Tinker Tailer Soldier spy
  • Salt
  • Safe House
  • Hanna
  • And older movies, for example 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', by Alfred Hitchcock
The target audience for thrillers, including ours, will usually include adults of a young age, typically between 15-40. This is because the audience who watch thrillers have to be able to understand what could be a complicated plot, especially if they were watching a psychological thriller. There could also be scenes of violence and talk of disturbing issues which wouldn't be suitable for a younger audience. It is typically more males that watch spy thrillers due to the action and possible violence. The target audience must ideally be someone into intrigue and mystery and will try to solve the thriller and try and work things out for themselves. Our target audience would like our film because it has surprises and mystery and has some violence and scenes of death, intriguing and exciting the audience. Our target audience on the average day would be working or a few maybe studying, which means that going to the cinema and seeing our thriller could be a fun weekend activity with friends or family or a way or relaxing after a stressful day. A fast-paced thriller like ours could help distract from the stresses of everyday life. Our thriller would possibly be rated as a 15 rating so that the audience are prepared for the thriller.

 According to the IMDB Database ratings for a thriller, similar to ours, the greatest selection of people who saw 'Grosse Point Blank' was Males aged 30-44 who voted 18466 times with an average rating of 7.4. The smallest selection of people that saw 'Grosse Point Blank' was Females under the age of 18, with a total of 11 votes with an average rating of 3.6. Overall 33324 males voted with and average rating of 7.3 whilst only 6247 females rated the movie with an average rating of 7.4. This is interesting as it means that maybe our thriller should be more advertised and projected to appeal to more men than women.

The largest selection of ratings for 'You Only Live twice' came from Males aged 18-29 who rated it 14335 times with an average rating of 7.0. The smallest selection of people who rated the movie females aged under 18 with 31 ratings and an average rating of 6.6. Overall 32103 men rated the movie with a total average rating of 6.9 and 2485 women watched the movie and rated it an average of 6.8. This again shows that our filmed should be aimed more to men than women and not partiularly under 18.

We considered our target audience to be those between the ages of 18 – 30, however we also considered that there would be a secondary audience. Therefore we would have a wider range of people watching our thriller, and therefore broader audience. We considered due to the nature of the film that the majority of people watching it would be male, however we looked at thrillers that have been released in cinemas and on DVD recently, for example The Bourne Legacy and Safe House and we established that females were also watching the thrillers, therefore our secondary audience would also target females. This might be because they enjoy watching thrillers however it could be that they went with a male companion to watch the thriller. Due to the violence in our thriller we established that it would be 18 rated therefore we would not aim our audience below the ages of 18. Our thriller is action packed, therefore we would make it clear to the secondary audience, so they would know what to expect. Our secondary audience would be between the ages of 30-45.

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