Thursday 6 December 2012

Altered Idea

Our Altered Idea
Upon meeting our teacher, we have altered our thriller idea so that instead of having the assassin break into the house and go up the stairs. We start with a extreme close up of the assassin in a confined space, already inside the house with the equipment already set up, so the assassin just lowers the wire. This eliminates any scene setting shots that the viewers may not find interesting and means we can focus more on the poison dripping down and making the scenes we have kept as attention-grabbing and fluent as possible.

After a meeting about the artisitc design of our original idea for our title sequence we decided to revise the idea slightly. Instead of starting with the assassin breaking into the building, we have decided to start with the assassin in the roof in a confined space about to lower the string down through the roof to posion the target. As the string goes down the credits come up on both sides and we see a man lying in bed, the string comes close to the man's mouth and the posion drips down the string. From here the ending is the same, the man is shot in his bed. 

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