Wednesday 17 October 2012

How Our Pitch Went

How Our Pitch Went

Due to a lack of time we could not give our pitch when the rest of the class did theirs to Matt and Simon. So instead of performing ours on the Friday, we did us first thing in the lesson on Monday to Matt (the camera guy) only. We all sat around a table in the editing suite and Alastair presented our idea, with little comments from Molly, Tom and I. I do not think we sold the idea particularly well as we made the description too wordy and didn't make the idea itself very clear or give it its full potential. We did not describe it in the best way we could but at least the idea did not get rejected. The feedback we received was very helpful. Matt helped us to pick out plot faults that we would not have noticed without him. We have to rethink some parts of our storyline that when thought about don't make complete sense or are cliche. I found the process quite positive as we all pooled our ideas together to help come up with a better idea. We have decided to change our idea from thugs walking out of the car to a friend delivering something important in relevance to a conspiracy. The man then opens the package to discover that it is not what it was meant to be. We then had the idea that the friend could then metaphorically stab him in the back and could shoot him. The feedback was pretty positive as the only thing wrong with our idea was a few plot holes, instead of the idea being rejected or major issues being picked out. 

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