Wednesday 17 October 2012

Deciding on Our Thriller Idea

Deciding On Our Thriller Idea
Many times as a group we brainstormed many thriller ideas based on news reports. This was to help us create more original and different ideas so that similar ones weren't created. The idea we settled on was a political thriller about a politician. In the first scene he is working late illuminated by his laptop and suddenly gets an email saying "THEY ARE COMING". Disturbed by the email he ransacks his office looking for something. He finds a USB stick and uploads the files onto the USB. The scene cuts to a car coming up and drive. Men burst out and into the house. The scene continues to cut between the two as the men walk (in slow motion) up to the house and the politican slowly panics. The final shot is of the politican swallowing the USB.
Other ideas we considered were:
The first scene is set in a maze where a woman wakes up. She tries to escape but is tormented by demons.
Set in a plane. The audience see a man given a parachute before he jumps out of the plane. Parachuting down he lands on the stage at the O2 arena and rolls dangerously into the Thames. The final shot is of the main character appearing out of the water dramatically flicking his wet hair. It was unfeasable.
The idea we settled on was the most viable of the ideas and the easiest to shoot. I, personally think this idea will become a good thriller and will hopefully be well received and exciting to shoot.

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