Sunday 16 September 2012

Analysis of 'The Shining' Movie Poster.

Analysis of the British movie poster for "The Shining". 

Now I've never seen "The Shining" but this poster was enough to sell it to me. There was a lot to say about this movie just by the movie poster which made it a Media Students dream. So lets start.

One of the most notable things about this poster is Jack Nicholson's manic face. Focusing on his face itself, the eyes could be described as hunting eyes, which fits with the idea that he has an almost animalistic facial expression with his teeth bared looks like he's enjoying himself. His eyes even though looking at a wall seem to be looking right at her, almost fixated on her, to show his determination. The side of the wall with Jack Nicholson is nearly completely in shadow except for his face. This contrasts with the woman's side of the wall which is dominantly white. The shadow on his side shows evil and malice. Her white room implies that she is the victim and is innocent.
As we are in the Northern Hemisphere we read from left to right, if we apply this knowledge to the poster, it is easy to tell that he is the one chasing her as he is on the left side. Another point that shows he is the dominant and the more powerful character is the fact that he is in the foreground and she is in the background. This symbolises his hold over her and the idea that he is in control.
There is a juxtaposition between the two facial expressions, his is of enjoyment while hers is of pure terror, this hints who is the victim and who is the attacker. Another item which juxtaposes is the weapons. Jack Nicholson's weapon is larger to insinuate that he is superior to her and that his attack was planned whereas her knife indicates defence.
By Alice Gamble.


  1. Great poster analysis. I love this poster.
    Saw it in london recently for £350...
    Is it true that the tag line 'the tide of terror that swept America is here' was on the poster from the very release and denotes that the tag line was referring to something entirely different? Kubricks sense of humour evident, he was enjoying screwing with the audience, and that was just the poster! Let alone the mind bending movie. Thanks for this Alice Gamble.

  2. Great poster analysis. I love this poster.
    Saw it in london recently for £350...
    Is it true that the tag line 'the tide of terror that swept America is here' was on the poster from the very release and denotes that the tag line was referring to something entirely different? Kubricks sense of humour evident, he was enjoying screwing with the audience, and that was just the poster! Let alone the mind bending movie. Thanks for this Alice Gamble.
