Sunday 16 September 2012

Analysis of 'Children Of Men' movie poster.

'Children of Men' movie poster analysis. 

One of the first things notable when looking at the 'Children of Men' poster is the large amount of grey and lack of a variety of colours shown. A large section of the poster is a dark grey which is morally ambiguous. However the colours get lighter around Clive Owen's face, this immediately symbolises that he is the important hero of the story. The red writing signifies blood so we immediately know there will be death in this story. The glass around Clive Owen can imply many things. Firstly the cracks in glass signify a broken society which hints at the storyline of the movie. The jagged glass near Clive Owens neck can mean a threat of death which again gives the viewer an idea of the movie genre before seeing it. The fact that Clive Owens is standing behind the only bit of broken glass shows that he is overcoming obstacles and fighting, again giving the idea that he is the hero in this story. The time setting itself is used to give the viewer a sense of reality. As the year is clearly stated as 2027, it still relates to the viewer as that is not a long time and can give the movie realism as it can be taken more seriously and make the viewer think more. 
The title itself symbolises innocence, hope and new life. Clive Owens facial expression looks brave but we can tell by his unshaven face that he has had a hard taxing life as he looks dishevelled. His eyes are worn and tired yet still determined and bright insinuating that he won't give up and he is continuing his mission. 
The writing itself is very bunt and sharp. This draws the audience in and intrigues the viewer as it almost works as a cliffhanger designed to make people want to see the movie and this works very well.
By Alice Gamble

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