Sunday 30 September 2012

Analysis of 'Phone Booth' Movie Poster

'Phone Booth' Analysis

             Phone Booth is a thriller movie. We can tell the main character is Colin Farrell. We know this as he is in the foreground of the poster. We can tell that he is the victim, based on the scope aimed at him and the idea that he is looking around, paranoid and worried for his life. We can see some other characters in the reflection of the phone booth that could be minor characters more involved in the plot than in front of the camera. We see a sign of a gunshot going through the glass, resulting in the broken glass. The broken glass is directly in front of Colin Farrell's neck, this symbolises risk of death as the neck is a very vulnerable place. The gunshot could also be used to tell the audience there will be violence. He looks very dishevelled which insinuates that he has been through a lot. The only bright colour is the harsh red of the police light, this suggests that the police will be involved. The man in the background reflection looks like a detective of some sort as he is smartly dressed, suggesting authority. The title itself is a steel colour, maybe to suggest security. The target audience would be 15- 25 year olds as the poster suggests that there will be violence and guns. 

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