Sunday 16 September 2012

Analysis of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Movie Poster.

"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" Movie Poster Analysis.

             The first notable thing about this poster is the almost completely black background. It is very dark and intense giving the viewer an idea as to what type of movie it is. The only abstract colour is the white of the girl's face, giving the impression that she is the main heroine, or maybe that she is the light in the never-ending darkness. The contrast of her face against the black could also reveal that she is the victim as the white could show innocence. However the fact that we can only see half of her face does not give the idea that she is in trouble, more that she is the cause of trouble, maybe getting revenge. We can see this because of the red dragon cutting through her face. The red of the dragon could symbolise death, blood or violence of some kind. The black also conceals her hair as well as half of her face, because of this she gives the idea of being mysterious and maybe threatening.
               Her being in the foreground gives the impression that she is the dominant character. 

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