Monday 17 September 2012

Analysis of 'The Conversation' Movie Poster

'The Conversation' Movie Poster Analysis.

                       The colours are the first thing I noted in my analysis of this poster. We have a very grey bland setting, with at the bottom an image of a city and then at the top, the image of a man. We can safely assume that the city in the poster is where the movie is set and the man at the top is the hero or main character. The grey itself can tell us information about this movie, the grey could infer that the movie is maybe a thriller of some sort as it is very dark. The man at the top who we assume to be the main character is not looking at the camera, yet is still directly in the foreround. He is looking down, which gives us the idea that he is mysterious and secretive. He looks like quite an average person but the part of him that we can see makes him seem like someone of interest. The way he is presented insinuates to the viewer that he is smart but at the same time looks like he could commit a crime or be the brains behind the operation.
                        The red on the poster tells us a lot. As it is cutting almost straight through the middle of the poster with the title we have an idea that it is a move that will involve some death or murder maybe even a major part of the storyline. We can see this as the colour red is usually used to symbolise death or violence of some sort.
                        The couple on the cover tells us a lot, they are in the background with a red hint glowing off them. This shows that they may be the cause of the violence or death or they themselves might be the victims. The latter is more likely as they have the crosshair of a gun pointed straight at them. Because of this we can assume that they are the targets but as we cannot see their faces or anything about them they are still a mystery. From just this poster we can link the couple who may be the victims of a murder to Gene Hackman who may have something to do with their death.

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