Thursday 30 January 2014

Evaluation Task 3- Survey Feedback

Survey Feedback

We received a variety of responses from our survey, some positive and some negative. Below I will display one negative and one positive and comment on them. 
 Here the person answering the survey belongs to our target audience with their favourite music genre being rock. They gave a good variety of bands that are similar to our band, of the same genre which shows that they really understood the style and star image we were putting across. They approved of our CD digipak and claimed that it would grab their attention, both online and in physics form.
Overall this person liked our band, CD digipak, music video and website and provided useful feedback. 
This person had a slightly different favourite music genre to the people we were hoping to attract but their feedback is still incredibly useful. They managed to provide examples of bands that are similar to ours, however they claimed that the CD digipak did not grab their attention but did not tell us why or what we could do to improve. 
This person as did not like the scrabble board at the end of the music video, which suggests that maybe we could have made our ending more clear and explain why the wife was not happy with the husband. Overall our feedback was beneficial to us and provided some interesting feedback. 

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