Wednesday 29 January 2014

Evaluation Task 3- Our Survey

Our Survey

Our survey contains a variety of questions as we wanted our audience to give feedback on the whole campaign, instead of just one element. 
We started off by asking about the audience themselves by asking what type of genre of music is their favourite. By doing this we can see whether they are a part of our primary or secondary audience. We then preceded to ask about the band and whether or not the audience believe them to be like similar artists of an indie-rock genre. This is essential because it is important that Wonderland is compared to similar artists that actually exist and is seen as a real band. Then we moved on to asking about the campaign and started with the CD digipak, asking whether it is realistic or professional, again comparing the quality of Wonderland.
We chose to include varieties of multiple choice to make it easier for audience and it also helps to create quantitative data which is numerical and easier to analyse than qualitative data which is opinions and thoughts. after asking about the CD digipak we asked about the website. This included questions linking the music video to the website and linking the whole campaign together and asking whether the website contributed in creating the overall star image of the band. This is an important question because it is incredibly beneficial for us if our campaign is all linked together and is similar in style with the band and star image of the band. 
A question that is incredibly necessary is asking whether there is anything our audience would change. This is beneficial as it is important to know what our primary and secondary audience did and didn't like and what they think we should change and keep. 

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