Monday 4 November 2013

Evaluating Our Animatic

Evaluating Our Animatic
After completing our animatic we now know what works best and what cuts work best with our song. One thing we didn't realise was how quick our cuts would be in beat with the song, when we were creating our storyboard we gave about 6 seconds for each shot but when we cut our animatic we saw that we only needed about 2 seconds for each shot and sometimes less. We figured out we would have to drag out some shots and add extra shots to fill up the entire song. Cutting the animatic was helpful because we saw which shots we could leave for about 4 seconds and which shots had to be cut very quickly with the song to get a variety of cuts so that it doesn't get repetitive. The animatic was also incredibly helpful in creating our shooting schedule as we had to change up the order we were going to shoot so that our shots made sense. For example instead of shooting all the bathroom shots for the woman and then shooting the shots of her in the kitchen, we are going to shoot the bathroom shots of the woman and then the bathroom shots of the man to save us from having to go back and rebuild the set later on in the day. i

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