Wednesday 6 November 2013

CD Cover Inspiration

CD Cover Inspiration
We are considering using bright colours and still using flowers to show perfection so below are some TV adverts that have a similar idea to us. 

This advert cleverly uses bright colours and shapes which fits with our idea.

This advert shows the death of a rose, which is similar to the idea we want to work with as using dead roses symbolises how not everything is perfect and how something that was once beautiful can still die.

This advert shows how something once so beautiful can be contaminated and poisoned, which fits with our theme of our music video.


  1. The shooting schedule, call list and production schedule have been blogged, well done. You are evidently prepared to shoot your music video, so good luck in preparation for that – do remember to do a risk assessment and pay consideration to health and safety - does this need developing on your blog? You have managed to organise your shoot well - do not forget to plan a photo shoot for your publicity shots that you will use on the CD digipak and website. Research of the campaign could be developed further and I would lie to see you post your design for your CD digipak as soon as possible. You have been blogging the concept well with the use of a number of online technologies – so well done!

  2. Can you also post any screentest any rehersals that you have completed? This is importnat for your shoot day.
