Wednesday 25 September 2013

Our Target Audience

Our Target Audience
I think our primary target audience is males and females aged between 17 and 23. This is because they are old enough to understand that the world isn't perfect and that people do have hard times, which is a main theme in our band and partially in our song choice. I also think the themes of our song choice are perhaps too old for people of a younger age to listen to as they may not understand  what the song is really trying to say and therefore may not understand what the music video symbolises. I think our main demographics and target audience are of a western european area and are of a middle or lower class. Their lifestyle could include seeing friends, going to the cinema, going to festivals and concerts and discovering new music and watching television. Because most of our target audience would still be in education they are either a D (semi and unskilled manual labour) or an E (unemployed/casual labour) on the JICNARS scale. As the song has an alternative/rock feel, the Teenage VALS I think apply to our target audience are the Groupies, who just want to be accepted, the Rebels, who wish to remake the world in their own image and the Innovators, who wish to make their mark. 
Below is a Facebook page I created for an example of who I believe our target audience is. My example has a wide variety of interests, is young and passionate and enjoys music. 

Our secondary target audience is completely different to our primary target audience. Our secondary target audience is males from the age of 35 to 50. This is because our bands songs have a classic rock feel to them which appeals to the older generations who were around when rock was big. Fathers and parents contribute a lot to this category because they could be linked to our primary target audience by passing on the music they like to their children which could influence their children to like our band. Their social class is again middle to lower class and their geographical destination is western. They could have come across our band by using their classic rock and looking at similar artists on iTunes or YouTube. Their lifestyles include listening to music, spending time with their children and hanging out with their friends at the pub. They could be a wide range on the JICNARS scale, starting from B (middle management/ administration/ professional), C1 (supervisory/clerical/junior management), C2 (skilled manual) or D (semi and unskilled manual).

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