Thursday 14 March 2013


Title: Way of the gun
  • Tag line: 'Every rose has its thorn'
  • Description of opening sequence: Asian male assassin sets up poison, cuts to the innocent sweet man turning in his bed. He can't sleep so forces himself to read his book, whilst the assassin is preparing to send the deadly poison down the string through floorboards. The victim falls asleep but not long before he find poison falling just before his mouth.
  • How we show the opening sequence through camera: Wide shot showing the assassin setting up, the room is dark and the effect of shadows created on his face, we then show the victim turning in his sleep while he is struggling to sleep, the miss-en-scene shows that he is a high class powerful man. We then show the assassin setting up his poison, using close ups of him lowering the string, then extreme close ups of the bottle of poison. The victim then turns on the light in order to try and calm his nerves so that he can sleep. We showed that he can't sleep perhaps because he is nervous. He then falls asleep and we show the poison dripping down the string with extreme close ups and slow motion shots. We use a tracking shot to show the string going through the floor boards. Only to find that when the poison is near the end of the string near the victims mouth, he wakes up and quickly attempts to move away.
  • Information not give: we decided it was best that we did not tell the audience why he was being killed, therefore they would wonder why and want to carry on watching the film to find out what happens next.
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