Wednesday 3 October 2012

Editing our Preliminary Task

Editing our Preliminary Task

It took us two lessons, each of an hour and ten minutes to complete editing our preliminary task. Because when filming our prelim we had five people we had to split into two groups as five people is considered too many when editing. However we had a newcomer called Nick join our group as we were split into two groups, so we had two groups of three working on the same footage. To edit we used Final Cut Pro, this application was relatively easy to use. We had to check in and out of the programme, this was exporting it onto the desktop to be used in the programme, checking it in and out of Final Cut Server. We had to create different bins with the footage in. We had a rush bin which was all the clips we had, we then had a log bin which was all the clips we were going to use in editing. When moving clips into the log bin it was important to copy them instead of dragging otherwise we could lose the original footage.
To work on some footage we dragged it onto the editing timeline where it could be cut or moved. I enjoyed deciding what bits to cut and watching it through knowing that we had put all the right shots together. I found the amount of time that it took quite tiring and at some points knwoing what bit to put where was quite confusing. At some points, it was hard as the shot we wanted had sound over the top and when put together the same line was repeated or cut mid-way through. To fix this we had to put the sound clip over the top of the shot we wanted. This confused me a little so the next time we are editing I will go through it again to make sure I understand. The extra shots we filmed turned out to be very useful in editing as it gave us more variety. I would say the extra shots made the editing process take longer but in the end it was worth the extra time filming and editing. I would have focused the camera more as while watching during editing we could see the camera was slightly out of focus. I would also have tried to do it in less takes as while editing we had to watch a lot of different shots which all looked the same. I think while editing our team worked well. During the second lesson Georgia was ill so it was just Nick and I working against the clock. I think we worked well compared to the time we had and all the shots we had to work with. I helped to choose what to cut.

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