Wednesday 12 September 2012


So Introductions...
My name is Alice (A terrible way to start, I know). My favourite movie is definitely ' The Pianist', directed by Roman Polanski with Adrien Brody as the starring role. It is amazing. If you haven't seen it then you seriously need to... No Joke.
From the name of the blog post, you could probably have guessed that I am studying Media Studies for A-Level, hence why I'm making this. Apart from Media Studies, I study Theatre Studies, Biology and Psychology (very badly). And where do I study these incredibly tiring subjects? Hurtwood House in Surrey. Only been here for two weeks but I'd say it's pretty good.
Best television programme has got to be Doctor Who.. Incredibly geeky, yes I am aware. I cannot get enough of it, I own every box set since it was remodeled.
If I could be anything, it would SO be a TimeLord.
The best band is definitely Linkin Park.. been going for more than ten years and are STILL producing amazing records (I'm proud to say I own every song they've ever done). That deserves some kind of medal.
So that's kind of it about me. Thanks for reading, I guess.

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